The first thing you’ll need to begin your flyer activism, is flyers. If you’re a lazy goy, no worries, they can be purchased and mailed directly to you from the Goyim TV Shop.
However, if you want to save money, you’ll need to print your own. How much each flyer is going to cost you is greatly determined by your choice in printers. Within the last few years as technology has advanced, a new type of printer has entered the market known as an Ink Tank printer.

The Epson EcoTank ET-2800 Can be purchased for around $200.00 Dollars USD.
With an Ink Tank Printer you can expect high quality flyers that match any other printer type on the market.
With just one set of Ink tubes which usually is included with the printer, you can expect to yield about 7,500 Black and White Flyers (15,000 half sheets), or 6,000 Color Flyers (12,000 half sheets).
The cost for a set of refill ink tubes can be purchased online for less than 20 dollars. In conclusion, Ink Tank Printer‘s are one of the best choice printers for your Flyer Activism.
How to Download.
Click on the flyer you wish to download and at the bottom of the page you will see a download tab. This will expand and give you a description of the download and a button to download the .ZIP file.
Why Distribute Our Flyers?
If you live in the United States, our flyers have been fact checked multiple times for accuracy, and legality to be distributed. While Goyim Defense League permits our flyers to be modified or white labeled with your group or organizations logos, leaving the legal disclaimer that the flyer was distributed randomly without malicious intent at the bottom is highly encouraged.
If you choose to make your own flyers for a topic that we haven’t already covered, it is wise to avoid putting Swastika’s or other logos deemed to be hate symbols by the ADL.
Where to Flyer.
Residential areas are generally the ideal place to throw flyers. If your goal is to make News headlines, the higher the market value of the houses, the more likely it will be reported and make it on the evening News.
Keep in mind if you are tossing flyers from a vehicle, they will need to be secured in a bag and weighed down with a material such as Sand/Rice/Corn to ensure they do not blow away in the wind, or become unreadable from weather conditions such as rain or snow. You do not want to weigh down the bags with anything that could cause property damage such as heavy rocks or metals.
Another option if you do not wish to invest the time in bagging flyers to be thrown from a vehicle, is to distribute them on cars in a publicly accessible parking lot, or if you’re a bold Goy, handed to individuals in person. If you are a person with a prominent job that could be in jeopardy should you be doxed, it may be a good idea to wear a mask and sunglasses.
Where Not to Flyer.
Because of how hate crime laws work in the US and other countries, never distribute flyers at Religious institutions or parking lots. While some locations such as Australia or some European Countries Mailboxes/Letterboxes are not off limits, in the United States they should be avoided as mail tampering is a federal crime.
If there is any doubt in your mind as to the legality of your activism practices in your area, do some research first! We don’t want our PaperGoy’s going to Jail or Prison!
Avoid Stickers.
There are some of our guys who do activism in Iceland where it is legal to use stickers, however in the US/Canada/EU/Australia there are a plethora of charges you could be hit with if you are caught distributing stickers. Flyers are much more effective than stickers, and are legal to distribute if done properly.
When to Flyer.
If you are someone concerned about being doxed, it may be tempting to distribute flyers at late hours of the night when everyone is asleep. While it is darker and harder to be identified at night, prowling around at late hours will immediately make you appear suspicious if spotted.
Distributing flyers during the afternoon or early evening will provide you an array of other individuals and traffic that will camouflage your activism activities.
Don’t be detoured by Jewish Hallmark Holidays, plenty of our PaperGoy’s go out on Christmas, or any other major Holiday. When the Jewish Media covers your activism, they’ll always kvetch about it being around the timeline of some Jewish holiday anyways in effort to demonize you. ANY DAY is a good day for distributing flyers! 😎
Lastly, When in Doubt, Reach Out!
If you have questions or concerns about distributing flyers, be sure to reach out to some of our Home Goy’s on our Telegram Channel.